Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's

What are the benefits of solar energy?
Solar energy is the most cost-effective way to generate electricity and does not emit carbon. Solar farms generate energy from a secure source and will help drive down the cost of electricity, which will be reflected in people’s energy bills in the future. They are also crucial to delivering on the Government’s response to the climate emergency.

Why are you calling it a solar farm and not solar factory?
As Solar Farm is standard terminology in the UK and industry and publicly recognised, we have stuck with convention for ease of understanding.

Will I benefit from this development?
Yes! The intention is to invest in improving the local environment and upgrade the footpaths using local materials and labour where possible, helping the local economy. A community benefit payment of £500/MW, to be spent on local projects.

Will the community benefit fund be linked to inflation?
No, the £500/MW is above market value and therefore will remain set for the lifespan of the project.

Why are most solar farms built on agricultural land?
Rooftop solar installations have their place for helping reduce carbon emission, but many roofs are not suitable and rooftop solar alone will not deliver the expansion of renewable energy needed to deliver energy security, drive down bills and address climate change. To achieve the Government’s commitment to delivering 70GW of energy from solar we will need BOTH rooftop solar installations and standalone solar farms. There is also significant policy support for farm diversification. Solar farms help local farmers by giving them a guaranteed source of income, whilst resting and letting the soil recover.

FactSheet: Solar Farms and Agricultural Land 2024 | Final (

Why aren’t large commercial premise roofs used for solar panels?
Many large commercial operations have or are planning to erect solar panels on their roofs. Whilst this will make a significant advancement to the UK’s quest to reach Net Zero, the energy produced will be used by the commercial operation’s own consumption needs and little or no energy will go to the grid for domestic use.

At Solar2 we fully support commercial deployment of solar energy but for the UK to have energy security and reach Net Zero, there must be significant investment in renewable energy for domestic use. By creating large scale solar farms, the UK will be able reduce reliance on fossil fuels, gain energy security and reduce electricity bills in the medium term.

Won’t the addition of domestic roof top solar panels produce enough solar power for the UK?

Whilst domestic roof top solar panels will significantly help towards reducing reliance on fossil fuels and towards the UK’s Net Zero ambition, it is not the single answer. Many roofs are not appropriate for solar panels due to location, build and the position to the sun.

As with industrial solar roof installations, domestic roof solar panel energy is predominantly used by the household’s consumption with a minimal amount going to the national grid. In addition, with the rise of domestic battery storage, electric vehicles and heat pumps, UK residents with solar panels are exporting less energy.

The addition of large-scale solar farms will ensure that energy consumption will be delivered via renewable technology, reducing energy bills in the medium term and significantly reducing carbon emissions.

Will there be a lot of concrete used in the build of the solar farm?
Solar farms do not require concrete in the main due to the panels being pile driven into the ground rather than set in concrete. Whilst there will be a requirement for concrete for the base of the substation, this is kept to a minimum.

How high are the solar panels at the highest position?
The solar panels will be on mounts that piled into the ground, at their highest position they will measure 3.1 meters.

Will the solar farm affect the landscape?
There will be a change in the landscape, we absolutely acknowledge this. However, we do our best to plan the panel locations and additional planting to mitigate the impact on the local landscape as much as possible.

Will there be disturbance from construction?
We will manage traffic and disruption to ensure that there is minimal impact on local residents. We will agree a plan with the Council to ensure this is managed properly. Construction is anticipated to take around 6 months.

If approved, how much will the developer receive in government funded subsidies?
While subsidies have historically been available for renewable energy projects, these stopped in 2014. As such, there are currently no subsidies available for projects of this nature.

Who is your financial backer?
Solar2 is the developer of this site and has partnered with Recurrent Energy on seven of its projects.

Recurrent Energy is one of the world’s largest and most geographically diversified utility-scale solar and energy storage project development, ownership and operations platforms. Recurrent Energy are a subsidiary of Canadian Solar who in their third-quarter results, posted in 2022, showed revenue of USD 1.93 billion and saw them ship 6000MW worth of panels. Recurrent Energy has also recently secured a $500 million preferred equity investment commitment, convertible into common equity, from BlackRock through a fund managed by its Climate Infrastructure business (“BlackRock”). The $500 million investment will represent 20% of the outstanding fully diluted shares of Recurrent Energy on an as-converted basis. The investment will provide Recurrent Energy with additional capital to grow its high value project development pipeline while executing its strategy to transition from a pure developer to a developer plus long-term owner and operator in select markets including the UK.

Who is responsible for decommissioning the solar farm and removing the panels at the end of its lifespan?
A full decommissioning plan will be agreed with West Northamptonshire Council and the landowners. This will be part of the planning conditions linked to the project.

An experienced third-party surveyor will value the cost of having the site reinstated and this amount will be lodged with the council as a bond.

This figure can only be accessed by the council for decommissioning and will be re-evaluated every five years to ensure the value is sufficient.

Will this development reduce the value of our property?
There is no evidence in the UK that any solar farm has devalued a property.

Research elsewhere seems to point to renewable energy projects having little impact on property values, with other factors being considered more likely to affect the prices.

How will the site be secured? If there are cameras, how will these be used?
Whilst the proposals are still being developed, it is most likely that a number of motion activated security cameras will be used to secure the solar assets, facing directly towards these elements and not be intended to capture the outside of the site.

Are the solar panels recyclable?
In most cases, up to 99% of a solar panel is recyclable. There are well established processes for this in the UK. For example, companies such as PV Cycle UK have dedicated infrastructure and work closely with producers to ensure compliance with legislation.

You can find out more about panel recycling and the materials used in Everything Under the Sun: The Facts about Solar.

Do the solar panels produce any noise?
The panels themselves do not produce any noise. If the panels are mounted to a tracking frame, then a small amount of noise is emitted by the tracking motors – however this is negligible and not likely to be heard.

Will the addition of the solar panels affect local flooding?
The installation of solar panels typically has a minimal impact on local flooding. Solar panels are designed to be mounted on structures and elevated above the ground, which allows water to flow freely underneath them. Additionally, solar panels themselves are not known to cause water accumulation or disruption to natural drainage patterns.

Are the solar panels cleaned using chemicals?
Manufacturers typically advise against using harmful chemicals or detergents to clean solar panels. De-ionized water is a common and environmentally friendly choice for cleaning solar panels because it helps prevent damage and minimises the introduction of chemicals into the environment. This approach aligns with best practices for solar panel maintenance and environmental sustainability.

Where will the solar panels be manufactured?
Solar panels are manufactured in various countries around the world, including several European countries, China, the United States and India.

The choice of manufacturing location often depends on factors like cost-efficiency, access to materials, and market demand.

What happens if a solar panel gets broken? Does the whole row have to be replaced?
If a solar panel gets broken, it does not necessarily mean that the entire row needs to be replaced. Solar panels are typically connected in an array, and they function independently. If one panel in a row is damaged or malfunctions, it can be replaced individually without affecting the performance of the other panels.

Will there be badger gates in the fencing?
Badger gates have not been confirmed but are a consideration and an update will be added when available.

Deer currently roam across the land proposed for the solar farm, how will they be affected?
Deer fencing will be erected to ensure their safety and that of the solar panels and equipment.

Will the deer fencing have razor wire?
No, the deer fence will not include razor wire. The fencing will be the same as standard agricultural wire fencing, but taller.

Will the public right of way access be affected?
No, the public right of way (PRoW) will be protected and upgraded by way of fencing and sympathetic planting.